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Quality Assurance
At Trinity Medical Imaging we use our own peer review software to assist with quality control and to further our commitment to excellence and enhancing patient health.
Our peer-review process means that 10% of all nuclear medicine scans are audited; exceeding the recommendation from the Royal College of Radiologists.
Our clinician’s messaging system ensures that discrepancies are immediately reported and can be dealt with swiftly and safely.
At Trinity Medical Imaging we understand the value in working together to improve patients’ healthcare.
All our GMC registered radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians are specialists in nuclear medicine and have many years of experience of working with hybrid imaging techniques.
We are proud to be working with experts in their respective fields, attracted from a variety of teaching and specialist hospitals in London and Surrey.
We will endeavour to work closely with multidisciplinary teams in our partnering hospitals to ensure that the right imaging is done at the right time, and that reports are communicated clearly and accurately.